Marketing & Customer Service

Marketing & Customer Service

 To optimise success, marketing, customer service and communications are a major resource investment and not everyone’s forte. Sprout offers a range of services to ensure your messaging

* Hits the target market

* Is professional and on brand

Ask about Sprout’s Digital Marketing specialist and Graphic Designer

Service Areas


Custom designed email signatures

Branded PowerPoint slides and presentations


Logo, Electronic letterhead, business card design


Create and publish marketing materials


Set up and manage your social media pages including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram


Automate integration between social media accounts


Website review and critique for improvements


Customised invoices, quotes  presentations and proposals

Liaise with specialist Digital Marketing agencies


Auto-responder creation

Create and publish Customer/client welcome/onboarding materials


Social tasks like thank you notes and welcome emails


Write and proofread Press Releases, Newsletters and general copy


Customer surveys using Survey Monkey and google forms


30 Minute Complimentary Offer

Sprout offers a complimentary initial 30 minute consultation to discuss the issue, problem or roadblock you are seeking solutions for.  This is also a great opportunity to have a chat about tailored service packages